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Monday, 26 September 2016

Snapchat Changes Its Name To Just Snap, But Is Rebranding Now A Good Idea?

Posted by mista_cee  |  No comments

Snapchat is Snapchat no more.
The company's CEO Evan Spiegel announced
on Saturday, Sept. 24 that it has officially
changed its name, which will now be Snap
This is a major announcement that has many
people scratching their heads as to why the
company would want to rebrand now.
Since launching in September of 2011, the
company has grown to be one of the most
popular apps, with about 100 million daily
active users.
What started as a platform known for sexting
and commonly used among teens, Snap has
become the must-have messaging app for
millennials looking to interact with friends
(and not their family on Facebook) and
provide in-the-moment sneak peeks of their
day to others in a way staged Instagram
photos can't. It's even a platform now
popular among celebrities, allowing followers
to see what they are up to on any given day,
giving normal folk a look into their lavish live.
Spiegel revealed in a a blog post that the
decision to ditch the "chat" was made
because the company plans to expand to be
more than just a messaging app.
In a separate blog post, the company
announced its plans to release $130 wearable
glasses called Spectacles that are the more
hip version of the geeky Google Glass. The
sunglasses, which will be available in three
trendy colors, are equipped with a wireless
video camera that allows the user to snap
Memories and share them directly on the app.
It will take some time to get used to just
saying Snap.
Yes, a new dawn is upon Snap. And unlike
Instagram's sunset logo fail, users can expect
it will have no problems with rebranding.

23:10 Share:


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