I think Facebook felt Rihanna’s pain when
she sang that song which is why they’ve
provided a better means of reminding friends
that owe you money — they don’t want you
using Rihanna’s methods.
Anyway, Facebook Messenger will tell your
friends that they owe you money and vice
versa. So, for every time you use a particular
word or phrase such as ‘IOU,’ ‘or you owe
me,’ Facebook Messenger will prompt users
to make the payment on the spot.
As seen in the screenshot above, the
reminder is a clickable link that takes you to
the payment portal (P.S. If you don’t know by
now, Messenger supports peer-to-peer
payment) where your friend can make the
payment instantly.
Whether or not this would be effective
remains to be seen, but this over Rihanna’s
she sang that song which is why they’ve
provided a better means of reminding friends
that owe you money — they don’t want you
using Rihanna’s methods.
Anyway, Facebook Messenger will tell your
friends that they owe you money and vice
versa. So, for every time you use a particular
word or phrase such as ‘IOU,’ ‘or you owe
me,’ Facebook Messenger will prompt users
to make the payment on the spot.
As seen in the screenshot above, the
reminder is a clickable link that takes you to
the payment portal (P.S. If you don’t know by
now, Messenger supports peer-to-peer
payment) where your friend can make the
payment instantly.
Whether or not this would be effective
remains to be seen, but this over Rihanna’s
Let us know your opinion